I support the objectives of the Public Transport Association of Canberra, and wish to apply for membership of the Association, and agree to be bound by its Constitution.
- Promote public transport in the Canberra region.
- Promote the use of public transport in the Canberra region
- Support the integration of transport and planning in the ACT government
- Support the construction of light rail routes as identified in the 2016 Light Rail Network Plan
- Support better public transport access in Queanbeyan, Jerrabomberra, Googong, Yass, Murrumbateman and Goulburn – especially in relation to linkages with the ACT.
- Be Canberra’s voice for public transport issues.
- Contribute to policy discussion on public transport and planning in the Canberra region
- Provide a forum for community consultation on public transport and planning in the Canberra region
- Encourage an integrated transport network with light rail, bus and active transport.
- Support improvements in integrated public transport in the Canberra region.
- Support improvements of local bus services in the Canberra region
- Support active transport at all levels of society from school children to adults