What We Do

HomeAboutWhat We Do

We work in a number of different ways to achieve our objectives:

Talking to government

We have regular meetings with politicians and ACT Government bodies about transport issues. We also provide opportunities for these groups to speak directly to our members and the community when consulting about changes to the transport system.

Our submissions help the ACT Government to adopt smarter policies and deliver better services.

Working together

Advocacy is a team sport, and we work with other community groups who are interested in making our city better. PTCBR is a member of the Conservation Council of the ACT, and we get involved in their campaigns.

Shaping the PT conversation in Canberra

Our media appearances and articles raise awareness about transport issues which might not otherwise get attention. Our positions are informed by our members, and our research into Canberra’s transport past, present and future. On our Twitter account and Facebook group, we’re reaching a growing community passionate about making our city more sustainable and easier to get around.

Having fun

We have a vibrant online community of transport enthusiasts, and get together at public meetings to discuss issues we care about. Our activities are not just limited to our lobbying and advocacy work: for a lot of us, PT is fun! PTCBR is a group where people can celebrate their shared interests.

You can be part of this by becoming a financial member today.