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Our wishlist for better public transport in Canberra – the 2019 Budget submission from the PTCBR to the ACT Government

Every year the ACT Government invites the public and community groups to tell them what they would like to see the Government allocate funds to over the next year. It’s an excellent opportunity for our association, representing the users of public transport in Canberra, to let the Government know what we expect. In our Budget submission this year we have asked for a split between the passenger experience (making it better) and long term planning. We have also asked that Canberras iconic bunker shelters receive heritage listing!

Public Transport Association of Canberra pleased that light rail stage two can now proceed through the Parliamentary Zone, after the JSCNCET issues its report on Commonwealth approvals for ACT light rail

The PTCBR has welcomed today’s release of the JSCNET report on Commonwealth and Parliamentary approvals for the proposed stage 2 of the ACT light rail project, arguing that the report provides much-needed certainty around the second stage of Canberra’s most important infrastructure project. The Committees report means that the NCA and the ACT Government can resume working on a light rail route through the Parliamentary Zone that can serve the people of Canberra, service national institutions and satisfy heritage concerns.

Final route design for Network 19, Canberras first integrated public transport network released following extensive consultation

The PTCBR are pleased that Transport Canberra have reacted to community consultation and made sensible changes in local services and rapid bus routes. The new integrated public transport network is a massive change and will take some getting used to by passengers used to the local bus services meandering around their suburbs. It may take some time before the changes are fully appreciated. This network is going to be a strong builder of public transport patronage based around light rail and more frequent buses. It is the modal shift Canberra has needed.

School bus services restored to Network 19 based on feedback from the Canberra community – but is it the best long term strategy?

The PTCBR are pleased that the ACT Government and Transport Planners have studied the 13000 pieces of feedback received through community consultation and announced changes. Todays announcement about restoring school services from 250 to around 240 dedicated school services (around 100 were proposed for Network 19) is a pragmatic decision, but one that needs to be revisited in the future as an expanded light rail and rapid bus network makes public transport quicker and more accessible for more Canberrans. Adding around 100 dedicated school bus services back in to the school network takes those buses out of the peak hour fleet, and that will have an effect on local and rapid bus service frequency in Network 19. This is not the best outcome. It would be better for parents to raise independent children, confident enough to travel on a regular bus. PTCBR hope that over time the dedicated school bus service can be reduced, with more frequent local bus services near schools. Ultimately the PTCBR understand that if its a choice between a parent driving a child to school, or using a dedicated school bus, the bus is a better option, but we hope that over time as the regular bus service improves, parents will have the confidence in their children and the bus network, to let them travel with the other 60% of school children that travel to school on a regular bus every day.

Provision for a future light rail route in Molonglo welcomed by the PTCBR

The PTCBR are pleased that provision for a future light rail route has been included in the plans for two of the Molonglo Valley’s key arterial roads. Recently released design documents show a planned light rail route in the median of John Gorton Drive and Bindubi Street, with a stop servicing the planned residential estate of Whitlam. Light rail will be a critical part of Molonglo’s infrastructure mix if it is to avoid many of the road congestion problems that have plagued Gungahlin.