PTCBR regional public transport map competition: we have a winner!

HomeNewsBlogPTCBR regional public transport map competition: we have a winner!

We’re very pleased to announce that we have a winning entry in our competition for a map of regional services to and from Canberra!

Kyle Hanley has put together this elegant map which is both easy to read, but also contains all the information you need. Things we particularly like about it are:

  • the table neatly sets out all the places these services stop in Canberra, which solves the problem of trying to fit all those stops on a map alongside the regional stops
  • the clever use of the Transport for NSW colour scheme to separate train, coach, bus and on demand services
  • information allowing you to identify who the operator is, so you can then follow up and book a service if you need.

Kyle has generously allowed us to use it for our new Transport in the Capital Region page, which will help visitors to plan their trips in and out of Canberra from one easy location.

This isn’t Kyle’s first map, and you can check out others at his website Map Depot.