Fantastic Bus Trips of Canberra

HomeFantastic Bus Trips of Canberra

Would you like to use public transport more often?

Join Victoria Wells on bus trips around Canberra to build your confidence. On these trips you’ll:

  • Share hints and tricks that make public transport more user friendly
  • learn how to use the MyWay+ ticketing system
  • learn how to plan routes, and which are the fastest and most reliable routes
  • discuss which are the best public transport apps for your phone

There will be a number of trips this year. Each trip will take a different route to a different destination in the ACT, usually combined with coffee or lunch.

The first trip, on 7 February 2025, is Dickson to Mawson via City, you can read more about it on our events page. Register your interest, or ask any questions, by emailing .

Victoria is a Canberra-based story teller, traveller and all-round people person. In 2023, she made it her mission to ride on every one of Canberra’s 64 bus routes. She wrote all about it on her blog In Transit, where you can read about both our beautiful scenery, but also the connections she made with people along the way.