PTCBR have lodged a submission with the National Capital Authority on the works approval consultation for the “Raising London Circuit” project. While this is not the light rail project itself, it is an important first step towards the future delivery of light rail to Woden.
You can view the submission at the following link:
In summary:
- PTCBR supports this project as an important improvement for public transport services and the City Hill precinct more broadly.
- The anticipated 1-2 minute delays to bus services during the construction of this project are as an acceptable short term trade off given the longer term benefits of delivering light rail to Woden. However, the relevant authorities should continue to monitor these delays and institute further mitigation measures if they deteriorate significantly.
- There are currently no bus stops planned around the new intersection, despite there being numerous developments planned for the area and the closest bus stops being 800 metres away. New bus stops should be included as part of this project.
- The new intersection should feature bus priority measures to support faster and more reliable bus services along London Circuit east.
- There are broad footpaths and segregated bike paths around the intersection, however some of the designs should be reconsidered, such as the proposed feature walls which will impede pedestrian movements across Commonwealth Avenue.
Details on the works approval are available at the following link:
Community Consultation | National Capital Authority (nca.gov.au)
The National Capital Authority are accepting submissions on this project until 24 December 2021.