

Federal Election 2019 – ACT Candidate positions on Transport, Planning and Infrastructure policy

The PTCBR have emailed all candidates for the House of Representatives and the Senate, running in the ACT at the 2019 election, seeking their views on transport planning and infrastructure, and asking if they will work to obtain funding to put towards light rail and other public transport programs. Any candidate that responds will have their answers placed here, and promoted on our Facebook group, and shared among our members. The PTCBR is an apolitical organisation, but all PTCBR members are entitled to vote based on the issues that matter to them, and after making an informed decision.

Our wishlist for better public transport in Canberra – the 2019 Budget submission from the PTCBR to the ACT Government

Every year the ACT Government invites the public and community groups to tell them what they would like to see the Government allocate funds to over the next year. It’s an excellent opportunity for our association, representing the users of public transport in Canberra, to let the Government know what we expect. In our Budget submission this year we have asked for a split between the passenger experience (making it better) and long term planning. We have also asked that Canberras iconic bunker shelters receive heritage listing!

PTCBR Network 19 submission – A new integrated public transport network using light rail and buses to grow Canberra’s public transport patronage

The PTCBR have made a submission on Network 19, the first integrated bus and light rail public transport network in the territories history. The PTCBR support the ACT Governments active transport and public transport programs, including the introduction of light rail and integrated public transport services. With some modifications, the proposed Network will resolve long standing complaints about the local bus network, and build on the success of the rapid bus network, while establishing light rail as the backbone future more frequent local services can connect to. It will enable Canberra to become a compact livable city, that can free itself of car dependence.

Light rail stage two cost announcement welcomed by PTCBR

The PTCBR are pleased that the ACT Government has provided an estimated cost for stage two of Canberra’s light rail network. The cost incorporates design changes likely to be necessary for federal government approval, including a new light rail crossing structure between Commonwealth Avenue Bridge, and wire free light rail operation through the Parliamentary Zone. “The indicative cost of between $1.3 and 1.6 billion dollars is not a figure that the Canberra public should be shocked by. It’s a major infrastructure project that a city of our size requires, and can afford.”