PTCBR held an initial consultation session on Woden light rail at the Woden Library on 3 April 2017. The session was facilitated by PTCBR Chair Damien Haas and Deputy Chair Robert Knight, and attended by three committee members and six PTCBR members. Initial results were posted to the PTCBR Facebook group, and further comments were provided that are incorporated in this summary.
The summary contains key findings of participants views, light rail stop suggestions and general comments about Woden light rail stage two.
Download the summary from here.
As the first public meeting to discuss Woden light rail, it generated significant interest and some useful ideas for the light rail planners were identified.
At the consultation session itself, and in the following days as the ideas were discussed among the PTCBR membership, some key themes emerged:
- The route from Civic to Barton was straight forward, with a major stop at Albert Hall seen as logical.
- No clear preference on light rail out of Civic via London Circuit or directly through Capital Hill was identified, although stops needed to be closer than a kilometer apart
- The route through the triangle to Adelaide Avenue had several different options, and really needed to be examined in an NCA and engineering context.
- Any route needed to focus on the Barton workforce for light rail stops.
- A route around the lake foreshore to Yarraumla and Cotter Road could be looked at.
- A tunnel under Parliament House, with a light rail station there was suggested.
- A direct route along Adelaide Avenue was preferred over a route through suburbs.
- Going through/over/under the roundabout directly into Callam Street was preferred.
- A light rail station at the bus interchange in the Woden Town Centre was preferred
- Major upgrades to cycling/walking paths near light rail stops would be needed.
- Fewer light rail stops than the Gungahlin stage, but better integrated as bus stations with services.
- Park and Ride with retail services would be needed.
- Bike and Ride with secure bike lockers would be needed.
- Linking cycle paths with light rail stations was a priority.
- More frequent local bus services, especially linking the hospitals (Deakin based private and Canberra Hospital) and TAFE with light rail.
- Express services from Woden stopping at Parliament would be a good idea.
All comments made, including ideas for stop locations are included in the full report.