REVEALED: The ACT election candidates who would terminate Light Rail to Woden

HomeNewsBlogREVEALED: The ACT election candidates who would terminate Light Rail to Woden

For this year’s ACT Legislative Assembly election, PTCBR ran a survey of candidate views on public transport investment in Canberra.

This survey was open to all 149 candidates standing for election on 19 October, and consisted of the following five questions:

  1. On average, how often do you use public transport in Canberra each week?
  2. What would encourage you to use public transport in Canberra more often?
  3. Do you support PTCBR’s 5 Point Plan for improving public transport in Canberra?
  4. In a hypothetical vote in the ACT Legislative Assembly, how would you vote on a motion to immediately and permanently stop all work on Light Rail Stage 2B (Commonwealth Park to Woden)?
  5. If you are elected as an MLA, what will you do in the next four years to improve public transport in Canberra?

You can read the full details of each question here.

Who responded?

PTCBR received 26 complete responses to the survey. A breakdown of responses by party is shown below.

Note: Our results include only full responses to all five questions in the survey. Several candidates contacted PTCBR to enquire about certain questions or to report answers to only some of the survey questions. We have not included these communications in our results.

What did they say?

As seen in the charts below, the majority of respondents don’t use public transport.

However, they would be more likely to use public transport if the services were better.

A number of write-in responses were also provided (click to expand):
  • Hopefully in a different stage of life I’ll be more able to use public transport.
  • I often need to travel from Banks to Bruce and back with a toddler, this trip is almost unmanageable on public transport given my daughter’s age and needs and the time constraints of my day.
  • Light Rail to Belconnen
  • I walk and cycle a fair bit, and don’t need public transport to replace those journeys
  • Services that went across suburbs which ran more frequently (rather than just the town centre to town centre service we have now) – it can take a whole day of travel for me to make one visit to family in Weston Creek from Hawker.
  • Especially frequent weekend bus services, including to outer suburbs.
  • Accessible and comfortable bus fleet.
  • Currently, I can’t use public transport because of my campaign commitments. However, when I used to rely on it for my job, it was impossible to get home in a timeframe that was beneficial for my family.

On the question of PTCBR’s 5 Point Plan for improving public transport in Canberra, 100% of respondents support all or some of the points.

Extending light rail was the overwhelming reason identified by candidates for not supporting all five points:

This leads neatly to the next, and arguably most consequential, survey question.

How would they vote on Light Rail to Woden?

As with the 2012 and 2016 ACT elections, light rail is once again an election issue. This time, it’s a question of whether or not to proceed with the future extension of light rail from Commonwealth Park through the Parliamentary Zone to Woden.

The table below summarises the light rail policies of the three major parties at the 2024 ACT election.

Major party policies on light rail

Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch) Logo 2016BluelogoAustralianGreensLogo Official.svg
Build Light Rail Stage 2B to Woden.Immediately cease all work on Light Rail Stage 2B (Commonwealth Park to Woden).Build Light Rail Stage 2B to Woden sooner than 2033.
Note: An overview of the three major parties’ bus frequency policies can be viewed here.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, respondents from these parties answered this question along party lines. What you see (in their party’s policy documents, linked above) is what you get.

However, the views of independent candidates (including candidates from the Independents for Canberra, Fiona Carrick Independent and Strong Independents political parties) on issues such as light rail are potentially more consequential at this election than at previous ACT elections. This is because independents may hold the balance of power in the next ACT Legislative Assembly. Their votes could decide whether the next ACT Government proceeds with future light rail extensions, including Light Rail Stage 2B.

PTCBR have therefore made a point of requesting that all candidates make clear their views on extending Light Rail to Woden – specifically, how they would vote on a motion in the ACT Legislative Assembly to immediately and permanently stop all work on Light Rail Stage 2B.

Here is how the various candidates have said they would vote on this motion:

I would vote to continue work on Light Rail Stage 2B.”

David PollardYerrabiIndependents for Canberra
Sam NugentBrindabellaACT Greens
Teresa MctaggartKurrajongAnimal Justice Party
Riley FernandesBrindabellaIndependents for Canberra
Gwenda GriffithsMurrumbidgeeAnimal Justice Party
Andrew BraddockYerrabiACT Greens
Jo ClayGinninderraACT Greens
Tim LierschGinninderraACT Greens
Shane RattenburyKurrajongACT Greens
Paul Girrawah HouseKurrajongKurrajong
Carolyne DrewGinninderraGinninderra
Rebecca VassarottiKurrajongACT Greens
Troy SwanBrindabellaACT Greens
Isabel MudfordKurrajongACT Greens
Laura NuttallBrindabellaACT Greens
Chris SteelMurrumbidgeeACT Labor
Anne-Louise DawesMurrumbidgeeIndependents for Canberra
Soelily Consen-LynchYerrabiACT Greens
Sara PoguetKurrajongIndependents for Canberra
Sneha KCYerrabiIndependents for Canberra

What would they do to improve public transport?

This question provided candidates with the opportunity to write a short response outlining what they would do to improve public transport in Canberra, if they were elected.

PTCBR have reproduced the responses to this question in full below, in the order they were received (click each name to expand):

Rima Diab (Independent candidate for Murrumbidgee)

I would call to implement more frequent bus services throughout the week, especially during peak hours, to reduce wait times and improve accessibility, with extended routes that connect key areas, including within Molonglo Valley, to major employment centers, educational institutions, and recreational facilities. Community members that don’t own a car, or are unable to drive should not be made to feel excluded from participating in weekend activities. Understanding the importance of social and recreational activities, I will advocate to introduce frequent bus services on weekends and public holidays.

I would call for a free, dedicated, improved school buses network. An enhanced dedicated school bus network helps parents feel more assured that their children are safe when taking a bus to school. Encouraging public transportation use by offering free school buses helps instill a sense of public transportation use among younger generations, which can promote lifelong habits of using public transport, reducing reliance on personal vehicles and fostering a culture of sustainability. Furthermore, free dedicated school bus services reduces the number of cars on the road can help decrease traffic congestion and lower greenhouse gas emissions. This contributes to a cleaner environment and a healthier community.

To enhance the user experience, I would call to invest in technology that provides real-time tracking of buses via mobile apps and digital displays at bus stops.

David Pollard (Independents for Canberra candidate for Yerrabi)

“As an independent, it’s important to note that I would be sharpening the policy of the government, as opposed to setting direction. This is a valuable role that can give stronger voice to community members, and groups like PTCBR.

That said, I will not vote against a light rail expansion regardless of who forms government. Indeed, I’d like to see Canberra consider a pivot to a Belconnen to the Airport line if the current 2B stage is not achievable any time soon.

All IFC candidates have committed to working with government to deliver an integrated public and active transport system that’s equitable for people across the ACT and sets us up for a carbon-neutral future. The broad sentiment is non-negotiable, though the specifics will depend on who forms government.”

Sam Nugent (ACT Greens candidate for Brindabella)

Increase bus frequency and restore journeys that were removed, especially during construction of the light rail.

Teresa Mctaggart (Animal Justice Party candidate for Kurrajong) 

I support the light rail concept. I support replacement of aging buses and the improvement of services especially the connections. I am very interested in logistics. And using learnings from others. We definitely need to improve our local and interstate rail services and the light rail and buses providing services need to be more efficient. I would take a deep dive into the current plans and cost options, consult with the people  who have the background knowledge of these plans and those who offer alternative recommendations to make sure I have information to make informed decisions to go forward with. I would also make sure the public is kept informed by a media campaign to understand the light rail plans.

Riley Fernandes (Independents for Canberra candidate for Brindabella)

“I believe that the development of light rail is an admirable goal, but that the delivery of the network has been mishandled. I would suggest that pivoting to build the West Belconnen connection into the network while continuing to plan for crossing the bridge and Parliamentary triangle is a better use of resources than settling for constant delays. If we consider the points raised in Jarrett Walker’s website (as PTCBR has quoted) we need to consider ridership and what will encourage people to shift to public transport for their daily travel.

We can encourage a shift through densification along major corridors of travel, increasing the frequency and operation window of services (because as Walker states people will not use public transport if they cannot guarantee getting home by the same means), and improving access to the services people use in regions closer to their homes by bringing healthcare, education, and coworking spaces to each region (decreasing the duration between stops). Active travel is a particular focus of mine, especially to meet the needs of those with different mobility. If we can ensure that pedestrian travel between people’s homes, destinations, and their nearest public transport stop is safe and accessible to all abilities, it reduces the barrier to taking public transport.”

Gwenda Griffiths (Animal Justice Party candidate for Murrumbidgee)

“Continue to support Light rail but appoint a new set of managers and administrators to ensure the costing, management and planned routes are the most cost effective, least environmentally destructive and useful. We need more bus drivers, safe and appropriately staffed and constructed interchanges.
School bus services in our area either don’t exist or are extremely overcrowded and unsagfe for the volume of children crushed onto the buses. Ensure adequate number of buses or carrying capacity for school services

Improve regularity of buses moving through suburbs- particularly at weekends.
designated areas for electric or person-powered scooters to be taken on public transport safely.
Review use of bike racks on buses with patrons and promote use.”

Janine Haskins (Independent candidate for Ginninderra)

Improved bus services, including more electric buses. Maybe look at the model in Perth, WA – it works very well, including reduction of carbon emissions and parking issues.

Mark Parton (Canberra Liberals candidate for Brindabella and Shadow Minister for Transport)

Our public transport plan has been very clearly articulated in policy that was announced in March.

Andrew Braddock (ACT Greens candidate for Yerrabi)

Build light rail to Woden and Mawson sooner and plan for other future light rail stages. Deliver more frequent light rail services on weekends, peak hours and Friday evenings. Deliver buses every 20 minutes or better on weekdays and every 30 minutes or better on weekends. Build a new bus depot in Mitchell and buy 100 new, additional electric buses. Build 3 new busways (Belconnen, Civic and Molonglo). Extend free public transport to kids, seniors and concession card holders at all times of day. Improving path connections to public transport stops and increase funding for upgrading bus stops with more lighting, seating and bike racks.

Robyn Soxsmith (Animal Justice Party candidate for Brindabella)

Firstly, I would support a complete review of the Territory’s Transport Plan to determine a way forward.  Because poor planning has led to an inferior road infrastructure for Canberra.  Of course I would advocating for a series of wildlife overpasses, together with appropriate fencing such as virtual fencing, to reduce and ultimately eliminate altogether the risk of collisions between motor vehicles and wildlife.

Amardeep Singh (Canberra Liberals Candidate for Murrumbidgee)

“A Canberra Liberals Government will deliver faster, reliable, and more frequent services.
We will introduce a new 7 day timetable, removing 2 hour waits on weekends.
We will deliver a weekly cap on fares and a free city travel zone.
We will make the journey from Woden to Civic faster and more convenient with dedicated busways and bus priority measures.

Enclosing the link for our People focused public transport:”

Jo Clay (ACT Greens candidate for Ginninderra and ACT Greens Transport Spokesperson)

Build light rail to Woden and Mawson sooner and plan for Light Rail to Belconnen and other future light rail stages now. Deliver more frequent light rail services on weekends, peak hours and Friday evenings. Deliver buses every 20 minutes or better on weekdays and every 30 minutes or better on weekends. Build a new bus depot in Mitchell and buy 100 new, additional electric buses and hire more drivers. Build 3 new busways (Belconnen, Civic and Molonglo). Extend free public transport to kids, seniors and concession card holders at all times of day. Improving path connections to public transport stops and increase funding for upgrading bus stops with more lighting, seating and bike racks.

Tim Liersch (ACT Greens candidate for Ginninderra)

I would accelerate the timetable for Light Rail Stage 2 and get the planning started for stages 3+.  I’d also grow the bus fleet so that it’s bigger than the early 1990s, capable of getting route frequency up to at least every 20minutes on weekdays and 30 minutes of weekends.  That’ll of course require a new bus depot that can charge up the new electric buses, and some busways to support the enhanced services.  I’d also make concession travel (including kids & seniors) free at all hours.

I’d also upgrade the amenity of bus stops (and tram stops) with better lighting, seating and bike storage.  Paths for active travel to get to public transport would also get extra attention.

This is all a part of building the city we want, rather than keeping ourselves constrained by the car-dependent one that we’ve got.

Shane Rattenbury (ACT Greens candidate for Kurrajong and Leader of the ACT Greens)

Build light rail to Woden and Mawson sooner and plan for other future light rail stages. Deliver more frequent light rail services on weekends, peak hours and Friday evenings. Deliver buses every 20 minutes or better on weekdays and every 30 minutes or better on weekends. Build a new bus depot in Mitchell and buy 100 new, additional electric buses. Build 3 new busways (Belconnen, Civic and Molonglo). Extend free public transport to kids, seniors and concession card holders at all times of day. Improving path connections to public transport stops and increase funding for upgrading bus stops with more lighting, seating and bike racks.

Paul Girrawah House (First Nation Party candidate for Kurrajong)

Build light rail concurrently. Encourage cycling, walking and public transport. Improve the train line to Sydney with tilt trains.

Carolyne Drew (Animal Justice Party candidate for Ginninderra)

I will advocate and push for improved timetables that ensured services that ran across suburbs which are not located next to an interchange are vastly improved, and weekend and after 6pm services vastly improved so the last bus ran at midnight as a minimum. I would investigate if using smaller buses for off peak and on weekends timetables would assist with reducing costs of running buses. I would also push for free buses (and tram) for at least one month a year around the Christmas/New Year period. I would also support creating more tram services. 

Rebecca Vassarotti (ACT Greens candidate for Kurrajong and Deputy Leader of the ACT Greens)

Build light rail to Woden and Mawson sooner and plan for other future light rail stages. Deliver more frequent light rail services on weekends, peak hours and Friday evenings. Deliver buses every 20 minutes or better on weekdays and every 30 minutes or better on weekends. Build a new bus depot in Mitchell and buy 100 new, additional electric buses. Build 3 new busways (Belconnen, Civic and Molonglo). Extend free public transport to kids, seniors and concession card holders at all times of day. Improving path connections to public transport stops and increase funding for upgrading bus stops with more lighting, seating and bike racks.

Troy Swan (ACT Greens candidate for Brindabella)

My focus would be accelerate the light rail ASAP to Tuggeranong. Have electric busses every 20 minutes through the week and 30 mins on the weekend. This should be coupled with more active transport ie better bike tracks and foot paths this will be coupled with the roll out of support for EV infrastructure. We also have to have support the bus stops ie bring back the bunkers for protection.

Isabel Mudford (ACT Greens candidate for Kurrajong)

“Canberra’s public transport is woefully underdeveloped and fixing it is the best way to further reduce our carbon emissions. To this end the Greens, and I as one of their MLAs, would:

Build light rail to Woden and Mawson sooner and plan for other future light rail stages.
Deliver more frequent light rail services on weekends, peak hours and Friday evenings. Deliver buses every 20 minutes or better on weekdays and every 30 minutes or better on weekends.
Build a new bus depot in Mitchell and buy 100 new, additional electric buses.
Build 3 new busways (Belconnen, Civic and Molonglo).

Extend free public transport to kids, seniors and concession card holders at all times of day.
Improve path connections to public transport stops and increase funding for upgrading bus stops with more lighting, seating and bike racks.”

Laura Nuttall (ACT Greens candidate for Brindabella)

Build light rail to Woden and Mawson sooner and plan for other future light rail stages. Deliver more frequent light rail services on weekends, peak hours and Friday evenings. Deliver buses every 20 minutes or better on weekdays and every 30 minutes or better on weekends. Build a new bus depot in Mitchell and buy 100 new, additional electric buses. Build 3 new busways (Belconnen, Civic and Molonglo). Extend free public transport to kids, seniors and concession card holders at all times of day. Improving path connections to public transport stops and increase funding for upgrading bus stops with more lighting, seating and bike racks.

Chris Steel (ACT Labor candidate for Murrumbidgee and Minister for Transport)

Only ACT Labor will deliver a practical and proven plan for public transport. Labor built light rail for Canberra, and we will continue to extend light rail to Commonwealth Park, the National Triangle and then onto Woden, to establish our North-South mass-transit line.

ACT Labor will expand electric bus services by purchasing an additional 110 electric buses over the term. We will increase services on the popular R2 and R10 rapid routes, and deliver new rapid services from Tuggeranong to the City, and for the growing West Belconnen and Molonglo regions. These will be delivered alongside bus priority measures, bus stop upgrades and active travel improvements.

By the end of the next term, all local services will run every 20 minutes on weekdays across Canberra. We will continue to improve the frequency of weekend services, starting next year with hourly frequency for local routes on Sundays during the day.

ACT Labor will recruit over 350 new bus drivers over the term. We will also recruit a dedicated team of transport officers for Transport Canberra’s bus services to promote safety and accessibility for passengers and deter operational violence.

ACT Labor will introduce a fare-free trial on public transport once the new integrated ticketing system, MyWay+, is rolled-out. Canberrans will travel for free on all light rail and bus services every Friday, providing cost of living relief and a boost to local businesses by encouraging people into town centres on Fridays.   

Bill Stefaniak (Belco Party candidate for Ginninderra and Leader of the Belco Party)

better bus services, free public transport, more user-friendly bus routes

Anne-Louise Dawes (Independents for Canberra candidate for Murrumbidgee)

I am passionate about active travel and am wary of politicians that will agree anything in the lead up to the election. We need to look to the future, consider sustainability and social equity and design urban planning with transport in mind. 

Soelily Consen-Lynch (ACT Greens candidate for Yerrabi)

Build light rail to Woden and Mawson sooner and plan for other future light rail stages. Deliver more frequent light rail services on weekends, peak hours and Friday evenings. Deliver buses every 20 minutes or better on weekdays and every 30 minutes or better on weekends. Build a new bus depot in Mitchell and buy 100 new, additional electric buses. Build 3 new busways (Belconnen, Civic and Molonglo). Extend free public transport to kids, seniors and concession card holders at all times of day. Improving path connections to public transport stops and increase funding for upgrading bus stops with more lighting, seating and bike racks.

Sara Poguet (Independents for Canberra candidate for Kurrajong)

“Public transport is vital for a thriving city, but in Canberra, there are plenty of reasons people avoid it especially at night. Locals often tell me they steer clear after dark because of poor lighting in their suburb, lack of shelters, and safety concerns. We need a transport system that’s accessible and safe for everyone, no matter the time of day.

I support advancing light rail planning, but any decision to build has to be transparent and fact-based. We have to consider the impact on housing and community spaces, because this isn’t just about transport; it’s about shaping Canberra’s future. People need to see the numbers, understand the benefits, and trust that light rail will genuinely improve our city, as you say.

Right now, we need to focus on improving bus services to meet demand. I’m pushing for free late-night public transport as part of my arts policy. It’s a step that could help boost our night-time economy and let people enjoy Canberra’s culture without worrying about costs or safety if we do this planning thoughtfully.

I support finalising Stage 1A, wrapping up the planning for Stage 2B, and then opening up an extensive community consultation process, with input from key experts. A well-planned transport system can make our city more connected, vibrant, and safe for everyone day and night. We need work to improve public transport now though, while ensuring future projects are handled with transparency.”

Sneha KC (Independents for Canberra candidate for Yerrabi)

If I’m elected, I’ll focus on making public transport in Canberra more reliable and convenient. I’ll push for more frequent buses, better connections between suburbs, and work on addressing the delays and high costs of Stage 2 of the light rail. We also need to bring in smarter technology for real-time tracking and easier ticketing to make public transport more user-friendly.

Authorised by Ryan Hemsley for the Public Transport Association of Canberra Inc.