Candidates Policies on Public Transport
Federal Election 2022
On 18 April 2022 PTCBR Chair Ryan Hemsley sent the following questions to all registered candidates (if we had their contact details) for the May 2022 Federal election, seeking their views on public transport and funding for light rail.

- Are you a regular user of public transport in the ACT?
- Do you support the extension of the ACT’s light rail network to Canberra’s other town centres?
- If elected, would you lobby for Commonwealth funding for light rail construction in the ACT?
- If elected, would you lobby for Commonwealth funding to support the transition of the ACT’s bus fleet to consist of zero-emissions (electric, hydrogen or other zero-emission technology) vehicles?
- Do you have any other views on public transport that you would like to tell our members?
Unlike the Federal election in 2019, this election does not feature light rail as a policy by any of the major parties. In 2019 the ALP promised $200 million towards light rail Stage Two if it was elected. That policy has not been revisited at this election.
In this article from May 13 some clarification has been provided:
Meanwhile, the ACT government said it would ask a federal Labor government for more funding for light rail, after the party walked back its 2019 pledge to chip in $200 million if it had been elected.
“If a Labor government is elected, the ACT government will work collaboratively with the Commonwealth on the delivery of light rail, and we will look forward to conversations about additional financial support for the project in the future,” an ACT government spokesman said.
The ACT’s Labor senator, Katy Gallagher, said a Labor government could continue discussions with the ACT once it was clear what a $132.5 million light rail commitment made under the Coalition would cover.
As an apolitical organisation, the PTCBR do not encourage you to vote one way or another. We are providing the information here for you to form your own opinion.
ACT Senate candidates list here.
ACT House of Representatives candidates list here.
Responses Received
Fuxin Li – Independent
- Q: Are you a regular user of public transport in the ACT?
A: Yes - Q: Do you support the extension of the ACT’s light rail network to Canberra’s other town centres?
A: Yes - Q: If elected, would you lobby for Commonwealth funding for light rail construction in the ACT?
A: Yes - Q: If elected, would you lobby for Commonwealth funding to support the transition of the ACT’s bus fleet to consist of zero-emissions (electric, hydrogen or other zero-emission technology) vehicles?
A: Yes - Q: Do you have any other views on public transport that you would like to tell our members?
A: If I am elected I will chase more commonwealth funds for ACT transport infrastructure.
Tim Hollo – Greens
- Q: Are you a regular user of public transport in the ACT?
A: I personally am not a regular public transport user, as I am lucky to live centrally enough that I can ride my pushbike pretty much everywhere I go. I do occasionally use the light rail and buses. My children use public transport a lot. - Q: Do you support the extension of the ACT’s light rail network to Canberra’s other town centres?
A: I absolutely support the extension of the light rail. I can’t wait to see Canberra as a mature city with light rail connecting town centres along arterial routes, and bus routes and active travel paths connecting to the arterial routes. - Q: If elected, would you lobby for Commonwealth funding for light rail construction in the ACT?
A: I would absolutely work my hardest to ensure Commonwealth funding for light rail construction. This is important infrastructure that the Federal Government should contribute to. - Q: If elected, would you lobby for Commonwealth funding to support the transition of the ACT’s bus fleet to consist of zero-emissions (electric, hydrogen or other zero-emission technology) vehicles?
A: Yes, I would certainly seek Commonwealth funding to help transition the ACT”s bus fleet to zero emissions vehicles. - Q: Do you have any other views on public transport that you would like to tell our members?
A: A city of Canberra’s size and shape needs a comprehensive, multi-modal public transport system, with light rail, buses, and small on-demand shuttles, all connecting with a well-developed active travel network of paths. This is going to take some years to build, and will take a major investment from both tiers of government. But it will be worth it. It will make life better, it will make our society fairer by making the city more accessible, and it will both help us tackle the climate crisis and manage life as the crisis begins to bite. As a local member, I will prioritise this important development for our city.
Dr Kim Rubenstein – Independent
Failed to respond to email, but posted the following answers on Reddit here.
- Do you use public transport?
- Are you a supporter of light rail in Canberra?
- Would you vote for and lobby for Commonwealth funding for extensions to the existing light rail?
I am a big supporter of public transport, not only is it better for the environment but a good public transport system helps to make a place more accessible for every member of the community.
Growing up and as a young professional in Melbourne, I frequented the public transport network almost every day.
Unfortunately, the route between my house on the Southside and my workplace at the University of Canberra is not well serviced by public transport – but this only invigorates me more to ensure that all Canberrans have accessible, efficient and affordable public transport options!
Katy Gallagher – ALP
Failed to respond to email, but posted the following answers on Reddit here.
- Q: Do you use public transport?
A: Yes and so do all my children. - Q: Are you a supporter of light rail in Canberra?
A: Yes. - Q: Would you vote for and lobby for Commonwealth funding for extensions to the existing light rail?
A: Where it stacks up the Commonwealth and ACT Governments should work together on this project.
More to come as responses are received!

Federal Election 2020
The Public Transport Association of Canberra (PTCBR) provided political parties and independent candidates standing at the 2020 ACT Election with a list of questions relating to their public transport policies.
All answers have been published here in the order they were received.
In instances where no response was provided by the deadline, PTCBR has added commitments outlined in policy documents released by the parties.
Responses Received
Bruce Paine (Independent, Electorate of Kurrajong)
- Q: How would you improve Canberra’s public transport network?
A: “If elected, I will maintain the existing network and fares while undertaking a complete review of the cost:social benefits provided by the network, with particular focus on the benefits provided to people in need.” - Q: What is your position on extending Canberra’s light rail network?
A: “If elected, I will push for the preparation and release of a full comparison of the cost:social benefits provided by the existing and proposed light rail network, followed by appropriate consultation, before any further contracts are signed.” - Q: Do you intend to end or reduce any existing public transport services?
A: “No. My position is driven by evidence, including the impact of various transportation modes on the environment and the need for social inclusion as part of a socially progressive community.” - Q: Other comments
A: “If elected, I will seek to markedly increase the proportion of trips undertaken by ‘active travel’, public transport and other modes of shared transport. Furthermore, I will be very cognisant of the possible improvements in transport technology, and in undertaking appropriate consultation and cost:social benefit analyses before committing to major projects.”
Community Action Party
“The Community Action Party believes that public transport in Canberra should meet the needs of the ACT community. This entails a much more frequent bus network to every suburb, with smaller, electric buses outside peak hours meaning that no one should ever have to wait more than 30 minutes for a bus.
Light rail is a good public transport option in the right environment. However, Canberra is not a densely populated, CBD oriented city and we do not want it to become one. We support a decentralized city with all essential facilities being within 15 minutes walk or cycle ride of urban residents. Light rail is very expensive both financially and environmentally speaking, and lacks flexibility. Hence, we believe that it is not the best option at the current time.
CAP is committed to improving transport services in the ACT both public and private, as well as addressing the growing congestion on our roads, and developing better transport links with surrounding communities in NSW.”
Brendan Whyte (Independent, Electorate of Murrumbidgee)
How would you improve Canberra’s public transport network?
“I want to see both bus doors used at all stops, with passengers boarding at the front and exiting at the rear doors. This will reduce dwell times at stops, help buses stick to their timetables, encourage passengers to move down the bus, and prevent the current annoyance of passengers standing waiting for one or two people to exit, before they themselves can board.
I want to remove the $5 MyWay fee. The cards should be free, or at cost price.
I will work to ensure that cards can be used to pay for more than one passenger each. A family travelling together should only need one card between them, not one card each. This will make it much easier for families with children, and for those hosting visitors, as well as visiting groups (e.g. school trips). It’s much simpler to ensure there is sufficient credit for 5 people on a single card, than to ensure 5 separate cards have credit for one person each.
I want to reduce the cash fare to the MyWay price, rounded up to the nearest 50c or $1 convenience. Not having a $5 card should not incur the sizable financial penalty that it currently does. Public transport needs to be easy and cheap, or people will not use it. Those on low incomes who can’t afford to have money tied up in card credit should not be penalised unfairly.
I will remove the surcharge for not tagging off. Tagging off slows disembarkation, and reduces the efficiency of the service. A passenger trying to herd screaming children, or with a bad memory as to which pocket he put his card, or having his hands full of shopping, should not be financially penalised.
I want every local shopping centre to have a machine to check and add credit to cards, located in whichever shop operates the longest hours. When MyWay was introduced, a number of local shopping centres (such as Curtin in my electorate) that had sold paper tickets were not offered the new card-crediting machines. Public transport needs to be convenient. A system that forces people out of their way to visit a town centre to buy a card, and each time they need to add credit, is not convenient for many Canberrans. Everyone should be in easy walking distance of a card-crediting machine.
There needs to be a single ticketing/fare system for all services operating in Canberra, regardless of operator. This includes services from Yass/Murrumbateman, and Queanbeyan buses needs to be implemented. Public transport should be seamless, and not unnecessarily complicated by the need for separate cards and tickets.
I will also investigate the potential for using the existing underutilised Canberra-Queanbeyan rail line for commuter-style light rail shuttles Kingston-Fyshwick-Queanbeyan-Jerrabomberra.
For new routes to plug gaps in the current network, see below.”
What is your position on extending Canberra’s light rail network?
“Now that we have a light rail line northside, it should be extended to Woden at least, and eventually further south, to reduce the need for passengers to transfer between modes in the city. However, the design of the corridor landscape needs to be reconsidered. The current line caused a regrettable loss of tree and grass cover, that has not been mitigated by the subsequent plantings. I would like to see future tram lines replacing existing road lanes, and retaining as much existing tree cover as possible. They should blend into the landscape, rather than scarring it. While a switch to increased public transport usage will help mitigate climate change, the benefits will be offset if we remove vegetation and increase concrete surfaces when we build public transport infrastructure. The tram line must also not become a linear barrier to lateral pedestrian and cycle traffic. Movement from one side of the other should be as simple as it was before the line was there, not harder. A battery-operated system, rather than one relying on unsightly overhead wires would reduce visual impact, the need to remove trees, as well as construction costs and times.”
Do you intend to end or reduce any existing public transport services?
“No. Rather we need improved connections between town centres, such as a new direct Weston – Molonglo – Belconnen service, along with buses to Hall, and connections between Casey/Nicholls and Fraser/Spence along Carrie Hermes Dr; Belconnen-Kaleen-Mitchell; and from the airport to Tuggeranong direct. Last election I successfully campaigned for a direct city-airport Action bus (in place of the expensive private airport express). We now need a direct Tuggeranong-Hume-Fyshwick-airport service.”
Mignonne Cullen (Independent, Electorate of Ginninderra)
“The feed back that I am getting from the disability sector is that every bus should an accessible one without question.
There has been a loss of connection between suburbs so this needs to be addressed.
It is dangerous for anyone to cross major thoroughfares to connect with the local bus network but more so with people with disabilities. I no longer catch buses for this very reason. I now drive everywhere but weigh this up with the exorbitant parking fees that I have to pay and whether my travel is absolutely essential.
There is a feeling of disgust with the constant changes to routes and timetables with no tangible benefits to the community.
The flexible bus service is popular but bookings are now required more than a week in advance to satisfy the need. This service needs to be expanded to meet a real need within the community.
I’ve been told that the suburb of Lawson has only one bus stop on the major thoroughfare bordering the suburb but nothing within the suburb. It took one person with a leg injury using crutches a minimum 20 minutes to get to the only bus stop available. It was an exhausting and pain inducing exercise.
Many cannot afford other forms of transport eg taxis.
Feedback about light rail. Personally, I think there are more pressing issues in the community rather than extending the light rail. It benefits no-one in the Ginninderra electorate at this stage.
I would not reduce the bus network/service. I would increase the flexible bus service.”
Australian Federation Party
How would your party improve Canberra’s public transport network?
“Our public transport network has seen an enormous amount of resources invested in light rail, often to the detriment of our bus network. While investing in light rail is an important strategy and one we support, it can’t be at the expense of the existing bus network. Our party supports the purchase of smaller busses to operate in the outer suburbs to lower the cost of some routes and to reverse the current governments strategy of reducing the number of bus stops to help services run faster. If users have to walk to far to the bus stops, they simply won’t use them.“
What is your party’s position on extending Canberra’s light rail network?
“Extending the light rail network is an important and essential part of improving public transport in Canberra. We support the current stage 2 plans, although we think the project should be released to a competitive tender to make sure we receive the best value for the taxpayers money.“
Does your party intend to end or reduce any existing public transport services?
“No we don’t intend to reduce or end any existing public transport services they are an essential part of the fabric of our Canberra community.“
Sustainable Australia Party
“Sustainable Australia Party is an independent community party from the political centre, with a positive plan for an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable Australia. An important part of this plan is better Transport policy.
The overall objective of our transport policy is to: “Prioritise the most ecologically sustainable and congestion-free public and private transport systems.”
To help achieve this Sustainable Australia Party will:
- Expand state-based rail and/or bus networks, in preference to building more roads.
- Encourage transport sharing schemes including cars.
- Build better bicycle networks.
- Upgrade its freight rail infrastructure in order to boost national productivity and help remove truck journeys from our roads.
- Fully assess interstate high speed train opportunities.
- Reduce population growth pressures
Sustainable Australia party has always been sceptical about Canberra’s light rail network and preferred a much more extensive and flexible rapid (ideally electric vehicle) bus network for Canberra. We believe that transport projects including light rail should not use urban property development infill and related population growth modelling to underpin business cases, as the new residents undermine gains in per capita service delivery. If elected, we would push for full disclosure of all ACT light rail business cases and continue our push for a more holistic and flexible transport solution.
We would expand, not reduce any current public transport options.
You can find a full list of our policies including Transport here:“
Canberra Liberals
“The Canberra Liberals are committed to making Canberra the best place to live, work and raise a family.
A Canberra Liberals Government will deliver fast, reliable and family friendly commutes to get Canberrans where they need to go, quickly and easily. We want our transport system to have a ‘customer first’ culture, led by ongoing investment in customer innovation.
The Canberra Liberals are committed to increasing and improving bus services in Canberra. We will:
- Bring back dedicated school bus service, and prioritise dedicated services for school transport for the 2021 school year;
- Deliver new commuter express services for commuters travelling from outer suburbs into the city and Parliamentary Triangle;
- Introduce new Cross-City Direct services to make travelling between town centres easier and faster;
- Trial on demand and new suburban services for school students, the elderly and mobility impaired people; and
- Improve the reliability of services so they are frequent, and run according to published timetables.
We are committed to the Government’s budgeted commitment to transition to a zero-emission fleet by 2040. The Canberra Liberals will also explore hybrid buses and other emerging technologies to deliver this fleet.
The Canberra Liberals will invest in a Transport Canberra application that will be a ‘one stop shop’ for transport-related needs. This application will include the ability to:
- Register and recharge MyWay cards;
- Provide real-time tracking of bus services; and
- Journey plan, and ‘favourite’ most frequently used routes.
We will also deliver $5 million to improve cycling facilities at transport interchanges and other major stops, including delivering more change rooms and bike storage facilities. This will encourage more Canberrans to utilise cycling alongside public transport journeys.
The Canberra Liberals are committed to ensuring our Light Rail system is a success, with Stage 2 of the Light Rail going to Woden. We are committed to ensuring future stages are economically viable, and that Canberrans receive value for money for the expansion of the network.
We will conduct independent analysis into the Labor-Greens Government’s business case for Stage 2 and if it stacks up, the project will proceed. We will ensure that future stages of the network provide the best possible value for Canberrans. We will publish the business case and other information withheld by the government.
A Canberra Liberals Government will not be cutting any existing services to create the new services.
If you would like to stay up to date, you can follow the Canberra Liberals Facebook page:
Our policies are also available on our website:“
David Pollard (Independent, Electorate of Yerrabi)
How would you improve Canberra’s public transport network?
“I support public transport as a viable option for people to fully participate in life in Canberra. This requires a public transport system that is frequent, reliable, affordable, convenient, and affordable.
I do not have any specific policies to improve public transport in Canberra. It has not been raised as a common issue during my campaign. This suggests that Yerrabi is generally happy with the direction of public transport, and as such I am not looking to make any sweeping changes.
I believe in empowering organisations such as PTCBR. I have made a commitment to the Gungahlin Community Council that I would like to see taken up by all MLAs with their respective Community Councils, as well as organisations like PTCBR. A commitment like this is how we continue to work together to achieve the best outcomes for Canberra.”
What is your position on extending Canberra’s light rail network?
“I support extending Canberra’s light rail network to cover all of Canberra. The only political question that remains is “how” we should achieve this, not “if”.
I would prefer if the rollout could be more ambitious and be complete in few separate phases, to ensure we complete the network ASAP. This would also prevent the issue being raised again and again each election. This is not an evidence-based position, and as such is not a formal policy. I have no plans to pursue this direction, though I would like to see it explored further.”
Do you intend to end or reduce any existing public transport services?
“No, I have no intention to weaken public transport in Canberra, or support policies that weaken it.”
Fiona Carrick (Independent, Electorate of Murrumbidgee)
How would you improve Canberra’s public transport network?
“I would consider bus services across the electorate, including the distance people need to travel to their bus stop and how long the service takes to get to their local hub. For example:
- the Kambah east service directly to Woden (currently it goes via Cooleman Court)
- the Pearce service no longer covers the geographic area adequately and the service goes through too many suburbs to get to Woden.
- consider reinstating services to Phillip Business District and Melrose Drive.”
What is your position on extending Canberra’s light rail network?
“I want a fast, frequent and reliable link between Woden and the City.
I believe the underlying assumptions need to be tested in the stage 2 business case. In response to COVID- 19 the population forecasts and the demand forecasts for public transport services needs to be reassessed to determine the timeframes for when higher capacity vehicles are needed.
I will advocate for the business case to contain clarity:
- identification of the problem to be solved (including updated patronage forecasts for COVID-19)
- objectives of the project (I find everyone has a different view):
- public transport outcomes (it is slower and requires changes from the south)
- land use (densification) outcomes (I believe rezoning provides the developers incentive)
- city building (Canberra has grown up)
- an options analysis (including large rapid electric bus services between town centres)
- benefit/cost analysis (clearly broken down so we can see what is being monetised to make up the benefits, including land use benefits)
- patronage forecasts (including the impact of COVID-19 and the trend to work from home)
- door to door travel times and a comparison with the existing bus service
- the ability to run express services, given that the line is proposed to run through to Tuggeranong and their travel time will be long with all stops
- frequency and a comparison with the existing services
- capacity of one track in and out of the city to future proof services for the population growth in Canberra’s south
- analysis of seating and standing requirements on the bus and the tram
- impact on the Woden Town Centre of all day parking to access the tram – eg clogging up the town centre with all day parking and the impact on small business due to the community having difficulty accessing the shops.
- option to go through to the Mawson playing fields for Tuggeranong commuters to park and ride to reduce the parking impact on the Town Centre and to service the Phillip Business District, schools and Southlands
- confirmation on whether Weston Creek and Molonglo residents will have to transfer to the tram at the Mint interchange or whether they can stay on the bus through to Civic
- transparency around the intentions to densify Yarra Glen
- impact on traffic speed from more stations and traffic lights on the alignment between Woden and the City
- costings, clearly broken down
- funding and financing – availability payments over what term (how much does it cost to have a PPP involved eg capital and interest payments on private sector up front contributions)
- analysis of value for money
If the project goes ahead, to reduce costs I will also advocate for stage 2 to be one build which would reduce the costs of mobilising and demobilising workforces and equipment.”
Do you intend to end or reduce any existing public transport services?
“Not that I am aware of now.“
Canberra Progressives
How would your party improve Canberra’s public transport network?
“The Canberra Progressives would look to improve Canberra’s public transport network by creating a truly integrated network, incorporating a seamless active and public transport interface. We’d like to see transport disadvantage identified, and addressed in a way that is proactive, as opposed to reactive, which we think is the current approach. There should be a comprehensive analysis of land use and subsequent trip generation, with a genuine set of deep community engagements to establish what our public transport network should look like, as opposed to relying on MyWay data sets to act as guidance.“
What is your party’s position on extending Canberra’s light rail network?
“The Canberra Progressives are supportive of the roll out of light rail to all major town and group centres in Canberra as part of a rolling infrastructure plan, as well as forming the ‘backbone’ of a high quality, high frequency public transport network.
Does your party intend to end or reduce any existing public transport services?
“The Canberra Progressives have plans to extend public transport, not reduce it.”
Belco Party
How would your party improve Canberra’s public transport network?
“The Belco Party would first and foremost encourage more people onto Public transport by making it free.
At present the revenue raised is to our knowledge only about $20 million pa. In many ways it would be almost cheaper not having to worry about collecting fares, however we aim to pay for this by making car, motorcycle, boat, trailer, caravan and other vehicle rego fees the cheapest in Australia by 10% (i.e. cheaper by 10% to the currently cheapest state – e.g. in Victoria it costs $78 to register a caravan. take 10% off that and you have a rego fee of $70)
We believe that we would make money on this scheme as everyone living in the ACT with vehicles registered interstate would now register in the ACT, as would national hire car companies and trucking companies who can legally register wherever they like, plus residents of other states who were legally able to register in the ACT as well .
Our scheme benefits we feel would be akin to the old Queensland government’s scheme of abolishing state death duties in the late 1970s. This action by the Qld government saw numerous rich elderly Victorians move to Queensland (let’s face it- the weather is a lot better after all!) and the subsequent boost to the Queensland economy forced all other states and the commonwealth to follow suit or be left behind
The Belco Party would also look to ensuring there were more local services and that they were more frequent. The disastrous 2017/18 timetable took away a number of bus services that the elderly especially relied on. It is very difficult for a 85 year old person with health problems to trudge 900 metres to get a bus that only comes along every 2 hours.
Whilst this dreadful timetable has been altered there is still a lot more that can be done. I’d also like to trial mini bus services from regional shopping hubs like Kippax out to the surrounding suburbs.”
What is your party’s position on extending Canberra’s light rail network?
“All parties have made a number of costly promises this election. Stage 2 of the light rail is shrouded in mystery in relation to the business case for it and its cost effectiveness. It does seem it will take twice as long as the bus from Civic to Woden. Unlike Gungahlin where before light rail it could take 50 minutes to go from Amaroo to Civic in peak hour , that is not the case from Woden to Civic
There are also a number of much cheaper transport options to light rail that are used in a number of European cities that only cost 10% of the cost of light rail. The Belco Party believes we all need to pause and reassess what is best for Canberra. Also it does seem that if light rail should be extended the route that lends itself to it best is Belconnen to the Airport.”
Does your party intend to end or reduce any existing public transport services?
“In terms of ending or reducing any bus services, no we don’t have any intention of doing so. That said , being a small party we do not have intimate knowledge of all routes and it may be some may not be good routes and may need to be re done .( the 2017/18 debacle is a case in point in terms of the need to redo routes .
We would aim to increase routes and do public transport differently. We would hope our no fares policy would lead to more people using public transport and thus this would mean it would need to be expanded in the ACT.
I usually take public transport whenever I can and I rarely drive to Sydney or even Wollongong these days preferring to take the bus or train.”
ACT Greens
How would your party improve Canberra’s public transport network?
“The Greens are strong supporters of publi transport. We believe in a transport system with more focus on, and investment in, public transport. We were instrumental in getting Light Rail Stage 1 delivered and are strong supporters of expanding the network, starting with light rail to Woden. We have also committed to two options for improving Light Rail Stage 2:
The Greens have committed to allowing flexible bus stopping at night so that people concerned about safety on their walk home can be dropped off closer to home. Drivers would be able to stop the bus between stops when a passenger rings the bell, wherever it is safe for the bus to stop. This system operates in several other cities including Townsville in Queensland and Brooklyn in New York City, and we have had similar services in the ACT on occasion in the past.
Public transport services for older people and people with mobility issues are also very important as our community ages. The flexible bus system is currently limited in capacity and hours of operation. There are also gaps in the network for people in some areas (e.g. Oaks Estate). In our Promoting Social Inclusion package, the ACT Greens have recently committed to funding a review of community need for expanded flexible, community and on-demand bus services, and identifying the best options for future investment in expanded and innovative services. Investment in new services and/or more vehicles would be considered from the 2022 budget onwards. We will also establish a dedicated Access Committee for transport and urban planning, whose role will be to provide advice to the government on accessibility issues in our urban environment.”
What is your party’s position on extending Canberra’s light rail network?
“The Greens have been strong supporters of light rail for decades, you can see our long advocacy here.
As discussed above, we were instrumental in getting Light Rail Stage 1 delivered and strongly support the roll out of Light Rail Stage 2. We have also committed to two options for improving Light Rail Stage 2 to Woden:
We also support a future Light Rail Stage 3 to Belconnen, as well as the full network expansion over time, including connecting to Queanbeyan.”
Does your party intend to end or reduce any existing public transport services?
“No. We intend to expand and improve access to a diversity of public transport services for everyone across the ACT and will do this by continued liaison and engagement with key stakeholders and members of the community.”
Other comments
“You can see all of our election initiatives here.
Our full policy platform can be found here.
If you have any further questions, our ACT Greens Spokesperson for Transport is Emma Davidson, our lead candidate for Murrumbidgee. You can see more detail about Emma here:, follow her on Facebook, or email her at .”
ACT Labor
No response was received from ACT Labor prior to the deadline. Below is a list of public transport policy commitments outlined in the party’s Policy Position Statement, updated on 14 October 2020:
Light Rail
“A re-elected ACT Labor Government will build light rail to Woden. We will continue to seek environmental approvals from the Commonwealth for Stage 2A to Commonwealth Park and Stage 2B to Woden, so procurement and construction can begin as quickly as possible at the best value for money, creating and supporting thousands of jobs.
We will deliver the Mitchell light rail stop to provide better access to the Mitchell business district and the future residents of Kenny.”
On-demand travel
“ACT Labor knows how important our flexible bus service is in keeping people with mobility issues connected to the community. We will improve the flexible bus service by trialling a new demand-responsive transport service with an ‘Uber-style’ booking app (in addition to booking on the phone).”
“We will also increase the number of buses used for the on-demand service, replacing the entire fleet over time with new low-floor, accessible, electric small buses.”
Woden Interchange
“We will build a new Woden CIT campus and a new Woden interchange, helping transform the Woden Town Centre as a great place to live, learn and work, with better transport.”
“Consistent with the Woden Town Centre Master Plan, we will build a new Woden interchange on Callam Street to provide a more accessible, attractive and safer bus interchange and we will build the Woden light rail station as part of the project.”
Ticketing system
“ACT Labor will ensure Canberra’s public transport has a modern account based ticketing system that provides passengers with convenient and flexible payment methods, such as tapping on and off with a credit card.”
Better roads to keep our city moving
“Duplicate 3km of Athllon Drive from Drakeford Drive to Sulwood Drive in Kambah/Wanniassa and from Melrose Drive to Shea Street in Phillip. The duplication will include priority for public transport and safety improvements for pedestrians
and cyclists.”
“Construct the final stages of John Gorton Drive including the 227.5m Molonglo River Bridge at Coppins Crossing. This will make it quicker and safer for residents of the Molonglo Valley to get to Belconnen and the City and improve access to Denman Prospect, Whitlam and the future Molonglo Town Centre.”
What we will continue to do
“Tackle our largest source of emissions in transport by transitioning Canberra’s entire public bus fleet to zero emissions by 2037 or earlier. We will buy 90 battery electric buses in the next term, building a new zero-emissions bus depot in Canberra’s North and building electric bus infrastructure at the new Woden Depot.”
Australian Climate Change Justice Party
No response was received from the Australian Climate Change Justice Party prior to the deadline. Below is a list of public transport policy commitments outlined in the party’s ACT Election Policy Platform, updated on October 2020:
“Canberra is a widely dispersed geographic city per capita and the car is the mainstay of Canberra’s transport system. The bus system is heavily subsidised to $30M/pa and the new tram is a $700M investment which only services a very small section of the community and the bike network caters only to a small number of participants despite its genuine benefits. The Taxi industry has been destroyed by Government policy and Uber and Ola are a multinational intrusion into the local economy. Viable public transport solutions in the ACT appear as distant as ever.”
“One pathway is to start preparing Canberra’s public transport service as an electric autonomous bus and taxi city where individuals no longer own cars. Such a pathway would see individuals dial an autonomous vehicle and the main transit bus routes are managed via autonomous bus vehicles. Our preliminary assessment of the cost, environmental and climate change implications of the tram investment indicates an investment ten times less in cost than the current proposed tram network. We recommend that we wait 4-5 years until the technology is more readily available and prepare the city for this roll out in the meantime.
- The transition from Government owned transport sector to a community co-operative owned transport sector with a diversity of community enterprises from buses, co-cars, taxis, bikes and shared transport all owned by community non-profit entities.
- The establishment of a comprehensive, high speed bus system allowing individuals to more easily travel to and from each Town Centre.
- The establishment of an autonomous and/or widespread locally owned taxi system.
- The exit of Uber, Ola and other overseas rideshare systems.
- The exit of foreign owned transport players in the ACT more generally.
- A consistent price for rideshare to taxis to allow equitable competition.
- Compensation to ACT Taxi Plate owners of a minimum of $150,000 per perpetual taxi plate.
- The end of PPP investments that see residual lease and contract payments for investments in the ACT public transport sector.
- Review of the current CTP legislation with the view to establishing a state owned scheme along similar structures.
- Government exit from Taxi and Bus services and establishment of community co-operative ventures.
- Enhancement of local bicycle track networks as well as electric bicycle lanes. Key focus in inter-suburb and Town Centre access routes rather than linking town-centres which are only useful to a very small proportion of bike riders.”
Animal Justice Party
No response was received from the Animal Justice Party prior to the deadline. Below is a public transport policy commitment outlined on the party’s website:
“Improve the public transport system to enable greater access to parks/reserves and allow companion animals on board.”
Fuxin Li (Independent, Electorate of Yerrabi)
Dr Fuxin Li did not provide a response to PTCBR’s questions prior to the deadline. The below quote is taken from Dr Li’s website:
“[Canberra] is becoming increasingly crowded especially during peak hours. Transport, health and education are the priorities in city life in ACT. The transportation has been improved in recent years but still not enough. The light rail is helpful and symbolic to the modern city, but it is not permanent. The solution of transportation should not only for the time being but also, we should establish a vision for the future.
Canberra is growing, and the city is facing growing population. As an independent candidate of Yerrabi, I would propose to build Gungahlin into the second CBD in Canberra, to provide more work opportunities and to balance metropolitan functions. I believe this will relieve the pressure of transportation in Canberra, thereby improving the transportation in ACT and I believe this is the right direction of city development.”
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party
No response was received from the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party prior to the deadline. PTCBR was unable to locate any publicly available material outlining the party’s public transport policies.
Liberal Democrats
No response was received from the Liberal Democrats prior to the deadline. PTCBR was unable to locate any publicly available material outlining the party’s public transport policies.
Democratic Labour Party
No response was received from the Democratic Labour Party prior to the deadline. PTCBR was unable to locate any publicly available material outlining the party’s public transport policies.