John Gorton Drive Stage 3, and the Molonglo River Bridge, is the final piece in the major road network connecting Molonglo to Belconnen, Weston Creek and Woden.
It’s been especially important to PTCBR, because we see it as an important part of providing fast and efficient public transport connections to the Molonglo Valley. Which is why we’ve been strongly advocating behind the scenes to ensure that the bridge is ready for light rail, and more immediately, that there are public transport priority measures such as ”bus jumps” at traffic lights.
When the road was first put forward for approval in 2021, we made a submission to ensure that these measures would be in place. After some back and forth with the Minister’s office, we thought that was a done deal.
Fast forward 2 years, and we were alarmed to see that the plans did not include the priority measures we’d been calling for. Fortunately, thanks to our good relationship with Minister Steel’s office, we are pleased to see that the contract for the bridge has been awarded, and PT priority measures will definitely be part of the works. This is a great outcome for Molonglo Valley PT users, and a demonstration of how important it is to advocate for good public transport.