PTCBR has made a submission to the development applications for the Woden CIT. You might remember that this sits next to the Woden Transport Interchange, and will form an important gateway between the interchange and the town centre.
Unfortunately, the proposed landscaping puts a large barrier for passengers leaving from the north of the interchange. The earlier designs had steps allowing northern passengers to access the plaza, but these have now been closed off. We’re strongly encouraging the reinstatement of these steps, otherwise it will be one of those frustrating things that will make passengers think “why on earth did they do it that way?”
We also want to ensure that there is appropriate public transport signage and information within CIT itself. There’s been a lot of talk about how the CIT foyer will serve as a public transport waiting area, and we want to ensure it is fit for purpose. The interchange at Westfield Belconnen was supposed to have a similar bus lounge and passenger information in the shopping centre, but that never transpired. We’d like to avoid that happening again.
Finally, it didn’t make it into the DA submission, but we’ve also reminded the ACT Government of the need to ensure there will be public toilets within the Woden CIT precinct available to all passengers at the interchange. The Suburban Land Agency’s Place Design Brief Discovery Phase Report for the adjacent Phillip Block 1, Section 7 development suggests this will be the case, but we have concerns they may only be open during CIT’s opening hours, and not while the interchange is operating.
If you want to put in a submission of your own, you have until 31 January to do so.