Month: June 2018

HomeArchives for June 2018

Light rail stage two cost announcement welcomed by PTCBR

The PTCBR are pleased that the ACT Government has provided an estimated cost for stage two of Canberra’s light rail network. The cost incorporates design changes likely to be necessary for federal government approval, including a new light rail crossing structure between Commonwealth Avenue Bridge, and wire free light rail operation through the Parliamentary Zone. “The indicative cost of between $1.3 and 1.6 billion dollars is not a figure that the Canberra public should be shocked by. It’s a major infrastructure project that a city of our size requires, and can afford.”

PTCBR Welcome consultation on Network 19

PTCBR welcome the announcement of Network 19 and look forward to engaging with the Government and Transport Canberra on ensuring that the local services and enhanced rapid services suit the changing nature of Canberrans transport needs. The introduction of light rail in late 2018 delivers a rare opportunity to introduce large numbers of new bus services, and extend operating hours, especially around Sunday services. The PTCBR expect to see increased local services in all parts of Canberra, but particularly in the outer fringes of Canberra in areas such as Tuggeranong and West Belconnen.

PTCBR submission to the Federal government on Woden light rail stage two

The federal government is holding an inquiry into the ACT Governments light rail stage two project, from Civic to Woden via the Parliamentary Triangle.
The PTCBR have made a submission encouraging the Committee to recommend that the project proceed, and supporting the strong working relationship between the National Capital Authority and the ACT Government.

ACT Budget funds for Mitchell light rail stop, improving ‘Park and Ride’ and Woden light rail

This announcement from TCCS Minister Meegan Fitzharris focuses on light rail and buses. It also provides funding to address any questions that the NCA and the federal inquiry into light rail, may have. The highlights of this announcement are the construction of a light rail stop in Mitchell in 2019/20, and $10 million to further advance the technical and design aspects of light rail to Woden.